Plastic recycling
February 26, 2024

The consideration of the human factor plays a crucial role in providing support for the industry in Egypt.

The consideration of the human factor plays a crucial role in providing support for the industry in Egypt.

Specialists in the industrial sector have affirmed that medium-sized projects serve as a significant catalyst for the growth of work and production centers. However, the high costs associated with various services and raw materials pose significant obstacles. According to Samir Al-Attal, the President of Al-Attal Engineering Industries Company, enhancing the expertise level and improving working conditions in the manufacturing field are crucial steps towards achieving productive expansion in Egypt. These steps also help in addressing obstacles and challenges through innovative approaches. Al-Attal further emphasized that the human element is the driving force behind the industry, with the youth playing a pivotal role in the development and progress of nations. He also highlighted the importance of proper management for the success of support programs, as lack of experience and inefficiency often contribute to failures in various industries. Al-Attal pointed out the immense potential of the African continent, with its abundance of young talent and high demand, which can be harnessed through cooperation, trade, and export. Engineer Asaad Abdel Fattah, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Hurria Tech, a leading packaging machine manufacturer, added that the engineering industries in Egypt offer opportunities for young people to establish factories without requiring substantial funds. He emphasized the need for horizontal expansion across different sectors to accommodate the demographic growth of the country. Additionally, he highlighted the initiatives launched by the Central Bank to support the productive and manufacturing sectors in Egypt, aiming to increase dollar revenues and stabilize product prices through enhanced export volumes.