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February 26, 2024
PET plastic is widely utilized in various industries due to its versatile applications.
February 26, 2024

The COP27 climate conference highlights the optimal use of plastic.

The COP27 climate conference highlights the optimal use of plastic.

How do plastic particles infiltrate our bodies?

Numerous diseases caused by viruses and airborne pollutants, including plastic, are a result of environmental pollution. A recent study conducted by the Italian Polytechnic University of Deli Markey has revealed that plastic is not only ubiquitous in our surroundings, but it also infiltrates our bodies through the presence of tiny plastic particles in breast milk. Samples of breast milk from 34 mothers, taken one week after giving birth, indicated that plastic was present in 75% of them.

Due to the high demand for plastic, 5 trillion plastic bags are produced annually, according to a survey conducted by Factory Direct.

It takes 1000 years for a single plastic bag to decompose, meaning that every piece of plastic is still present on the Earth’s surface since its invention just 122 years ago.

Humans use over a million plastic bottles per minute, with only 10% of those bottles being recycled.

According to the study, plastic particles seep into our bodies through the air we breathe.

Plastic accounts for approximately 20 to 40% of airborne pollutants in households, plastic is used in the manufacturing of most furniture, linens, and clothing. Furthermore, the food we consume is also abundant in plastic particles.

As the remaining packaging or plastic that has been swallowed by poultry, livestock, and fish comes.

Climate Conference in Egypt.

Other studies have found that plastic particles cause human cell death and are one of the causes of cancer. Meanwhile, further studies are being conducted to determine the extent to which these particles can reach the brain and their impact on it.

Every year, more than 13 billion tons of plastic are dumped into the seas and oceans, breaking down into pieces and particles that are swallowed by marine creatures. This was highlighted in a study published in the journal “MBIO”, where a group of researchers collected samples of fish over months, and the results showed that 75% of the fish contained plastic particles.

The Minister of Environment clarified that the campaign aims to prevent the use of single-use plastic bags in the city of Sharm El Sheikh as a means to reduce their negative impacts and avoid their severe effects on biodiversity in the Red Sea. It also aims to ensure market readiness to implement a policy of banning single-use plastic bags, with a focus on raising public awareness about the harms of plastic and empowering small and medium-sized companies operating in the alternatives sector. This will be achieved by connecting suppliers of plastic bag alternatives to the market in Sharm El Sheikh. Efforts have been made to provide a distribution and sales point, as well as a dedicated phone line for the distribution point, and to stock alternatives in the existing warehouse at that location.

Fouad conducted a field tour in the commercial shops in the city of Sharm El Sheikh, where she engaged in a dialogue with the owners of those shops about the harmful effects of single-use plastic bags and the importance of using environmentally friendly alternatives. She mentioned the upcoming decision to ban the use of those bags, pointing out that the increasing spread of plastic consumption has highlighted the urgent need to address this environmental challenge as soon as possible. According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the amount of plastic reaching the oceans each year ranges from 5 to 13 million tons. The impact of this excessive consumption and improper disposal of plastic waste on natural resources, biodiversity, and human health is significant.

The continuous deterioration of natural and environmental resources in the Sinai and Red Sea regions will impact Egypt’s attractiveness as an important destination for global tourism. Therefore, the Egyptian government is collaborating with the Egyptian tourism sector, governmental bodies, and local communities to reduce the use of plastic bags and promote the adoption of reusable and environmentally friendly alternatives.

My beach cleaning campaign was successfully carried out at Nabq Protected Area, and another campaign was conducted at Ras Mohammed Protected Area. Additionally, 80 field visits were made to commercial stores as part of the campaign activities to raise awareness.

In order to raise awareness among sellers and consumers, and to provide 3 mobile kiosks in key locations in the city of Sharm El Sheikh.

The entire city is explored in order to reach hard-to-reach places.

It is responsible for distributing alternatives and raising awareness among citizens and businesses.

Approximately 10,000 bags have been provided for distribution by the kiosks, in addition to providing one million paper bags. Coordination is underway with the governorate to implement a number of workshops for business owners, suppliers, and distributors.

The campaign continues to carry out its activities, which encourage the use of alternative plastic bags in Sharm El Sheikh. These activities include awareness booths, distribution of cloth bags, general workshops for all social and commercial groups, land and sea cleaning campaigns, distribution of paper bags to the commercial sector, as well as technical support for suppliers and manufacturers of alternative plastic bags. Additionally, efforts are being made to reduce the environmental, social, and economic impacts associated with increased consumption and unsafe disposal of plastic bags in Sharm El Sheikh.

Dr. Yasmin Fouad had conducted an inspection tour and a series of field visits to Sharm El Sheikh to follow up on the latest developments in the preparations for hosting the COP27 climate conference, and the measures to transform it into a green city. She also inspected the development works of the blue and green zones for the conference, as well as the current status of implementing the new waste management system in the city in partnership with the “Environment” and “Green Plant” alliances.